
Each program is based on a per annum price and includes the removal of green waste if required, as well as the supply and application of all fertilisers and sprays for pest and disease control so that your garden will look its best year round.

We provide a schedule of actual service dates and payment dates, ensuring easy organisation for you and clear budgeting.

If you require more time spent on your garden than we offer in these programs, then please contact us and we can arrange a time to meet with you.

To request a quote for any of our services please either phone or email The Garden Maintenance Company and we will contact you to make an appointment.

Program 1

For people who like their garden maintained on a weekly basis throughout the year, this will ensure your garden looks its best all year round. On this program we can ensure that the health of your garden is maintained throughout winter, as well as the warmer months.

4 or more hours per week throughout the year.

Program 2

This program is for people who require fortnightly maintenance throughout the year as maybe their garden is not as large or detailed as in a program one garden.

4 or more hours per fortnight throughout the year.

Program 3

This program is for people who don’t feel they need regular fortnightly services throughout winter.

4 or more hours every two weeks from September through to May inclusive then once every four weeks from June, July and August.

Program 4

This program is for people who feel one service every 4 weeks through out the year would be best.

4 or more hours every four weeks throughout the year.